Scrying the Landscape w. Elina Tapio, Hannah Pezzack and Alice Rougeaux
Scrying the Landscape XIII. Dedicated to particulate bodies, the thirteenth episode of 'Scrying the Landscape' features soundbites from cloudy and sandy fields, and sentimental music for wandering. From accumulated matter to big feelings and turbulent intimacies, this mix drifts beyond the human [at times] to think about 'the tidalectics' of falling apart and holding [it] together. Friends born out of late-night revelling and pandemic living-room rants, together they find respite and a field of inquiry in nearby shores or the memories of more distant ones. The quiet lee-side of the dunes by the North Sea provide shelter and a space to question and practice listening [attunement] and transmission.
[Image: Photograph by Alice Rougeaux]
[Image: Photograph by Alice Rougeaux]
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